From the earliest days of colonial hunting expeditions, to the modern ecotourism’s African Safaris, Kenya has held a special and distinguished place among the big Game Destinations of Africa and indeed the World. And there has always been a special corner within this special nation: the Masai Mara.
The Masai Mara Game Reserve is a vast national park located in the Great Rift Valley in Kenya. The game park offers visitors numerous attractions and has a reputation as one of the best wildlife destinations in the world. A visit to the Mara is the ultimate adventure due to its bountiful wildlife selection, stunning sights and endless plains that stretch as far as the eye can see.
Covering about 1,510 sq. km, the Masai Mara Game Reserve is host to the spectacular Masai Mara Wildebeest Migration. The spectacle involves about two million wildebeest crossing the River Mara for greener pastures, and is widely considered to be one of the seven natural wonders of the world.
The Masai Mara Game Reserve was created in early 1961 as a wildlife sanctuary and although the exact boundaries have marginally shifted in the intervening years, the prestige and global awareness of the region has only grown. Sample Maasai Mara Itinerary